Petition with Three Parks
Every Saturday and Sunday in March.
Northwest corner of 104thand Broadway
1:00 to 3:00 PM.
County Committee candidates pick up your petitions here.
To arrange County Committee petition pick up at other times,
call Lorraine Zamora (917) 348-5136.
Every Saturday in March
In front of the Silver Moon. NE Corner 105thand Broadway.
1:00 to 3:00 PM.
Return compleated petitions to any table before March 31st , or call Cynthia Doty at (212)749-4085.
Help put our endorsed candidates on the Ballot.
Come any part of the time.
RSVP for all events
Click Here
Petitioning Instruction Click Here
Map of new Eds for our Club area.
Click Here
Note that these events are weather permitting. Check here
for updates.